XTreme Racing - A Preview! For the full details please scroll down below - General Information !!! To run the demo : 1 - Double click the install icon & follow instructions. This also adds an assign into the user-startup file in S: 2 - Double click on XtremeRacing - ChipMem only machines may need to be started with no startup-sequence, but please remember to assign the Xtr directory XTR: 3 - Select a track etc If you have any problems (usually Guru B) then you need to copy the included libraries into the LIBS: directory, but this shouldn't happen (hopefully!) 3 tracks are provided : they are all basically the same but with different numbers of objects. The 3rd one is our silly one that we keep playing across a serial link! The final game has 20 tracks in totall with 7-8 different types all of which have completely different graphics. If using a serial link ensure that you select the number of players on each machine, and currently each machine must have the same number of players (this restriction is simply due to the lack of a proper front end so don't worry). If the serial routine quits it means there was an error. This happens very rarely, and won't happen at all with the error handling code but that hasn't been fully tested yet. To start a serial game - both players must have selected serial etc (see above), and when the data has been loaded after a few seconds there will be a blank screen. When both machines have a blank screen press the Left Mouse Button - first to press the button gets the sports car (which isn't any different from the others at the moment). If there are any problems then simply press the right mouse button and the game will quit. Editor instructions are in the editor archive - you should be able to edit and test tracks with no computer cars (I have to set that data up). We don't expect you to do anything much with the editor but we thought we would show it anyway. The editor *may* be released with an extra tracks disc but *only* if enough people buy XTreme Racing :) The game itself is pretty obvious :) This version is very much a 'Work In Progress', and doesn't include many of the sound effects or weapons, and also start/finish stuff so when it loads, just drive! Still, it is perfectly playable. The computer cars are on the hardest purely to provide us with a challenge (we played it too much!) but there will be a choice of difficulty levels. If you ever need to contact Alex (coder/designer). I'll answer all your queries/complaints quite happily. phone 01295 678 173 (after 2.00 pm and before 4 am) or email : alex@teeth.demon.co.uk Anyone waking me up will be forced to install Win95 on a 386. Or forced to watch Wolverhampton Wanderers with me! I shudder at the thought....... Please report any bugs or crashes to me asap. There is currently a problem with the Warp Engine 040-40 but it is currently unknown if this extends to all 040s. We are working on this problem. But not having an 040 it isn't easy - anyone want to lend us one for 2 weeks? You'll get your name in the credits :) Alex Amsel Black Magic / Silltunna Software Controls ---------- Player 1 - Joystick 2 Player 2 - Shift,Alt, [keypad]1,2 Player 3 - Q,A,<,> Player 4 - Joystick 1 F1 - Decrease Fps F2 - Increase Fps The game can run either at the fastest speed possible, but because this can cause jerkiness at times you can also set the frame rate with these keys. Settings of 17 or 25 work best on most machines, but its perfectly playable at lower speeds. F3 - Lower Camera F4 - Raise Camera F5 - Lower Horizon F6 - Raise Horizon F7 - Switch background on/off [makes a speed difference] F8 - Switch c2p on/off - c2p is usually faster and cleaner than blitterscreen (dithered) but requires fast ram. F9 - Cycle screen sizes (2x1 mode chip ram only allows max half height screen) F10 - Debug info on/off The debug info gives some frame rate information, but using the debug mode reduces the frame rate a little in the first place. 0 - Cycle Laptime information display [useful on small screens] 9 - Turn collisions on/off - you should never need this -,+ - Alter screen width Del - Hig/Low res horizontal pixels (c2p only) Help - High/Low res vertical pixels (the best mode is 2x1 if you can run it) Backspace - Turn dithering on for the c2p routine Esc - Quit P - Pause New(ish) features! --------------- [keypad] / - Music Toggle 8 - Camera Toggle Cursors - Camera Zoom + Rotate [keypad] ( - Drop camera in current position ' ) - Reattach Camera to default position ' Enter - Flip Camera to face rear of car ' +/- - Next/Previous Car The camera options will be tidied soon, but you get the idea anyway :) Please don't press 1-5 / TAB on the keyboard. Or you could find yourself travelling at silly speeds :) General Information --------------------- XTreme Racing is the new AGA texture mapped racing game from Silltunna Software/Black Magic. The game is similar in style to Super Mario Kart on the SNES, but of course, not so cute! Features are : High Speed 256 colour Texture Mapped Graphics in 2x2/2x1/1x2/1x1 resolution Enhanced for fast ram/accelerators(020/030/040)/CD32 1-8 players, 4 on a single machine, serial + modem link abilities 8 different cars, including a police car, Ferrari, VW Beetle Intelligent Computer cars (you select the amount of cars to play against) Lots of tracks, a large variety of graphics including a water world, radioactive world, normal roads, space tracks where you can fall off the edge (or hit someone else off the edge)...etc.... Battle mode where the players simply have to kill each other - All kills will be recorded of course. 3 difficulty levels + Cup Races + Championship Modes Saved Screen Preferences (different for different number of players) Extra Camera - can be placed anywhere, including on other cars and on the back of your car, and on the track etc.... Includes Zoom modes, rotate modes, Tracking modes. A variety of objects, such as a Lemming to run over, Sharks, Barrels.... A variety of weapon pick-ups, including missiles (some of which fly around the track), homing sheep(!), mines, etc..... Extra track features include Jumps, curbs and the ability to squash cars! Cash for the championship mode - upgrade your engine, brakes, tyres etc... Full Race Replays (if time allows) In Game Music (yes, you can turn it off!) HD Installable HUGE amounts of playability & Loads of options Screen Shots -------------- The Screen Shots are from the 1x1 version (which I can use on my 020-28). Make of them what you will - laptime, position and lap number information is also on the screen in the game but just isn't in the screen shots. We also have a nice AGA sky which we couldn't save out. More Details -------------- The game should be released in time for XMAS'95 under the Black Magic label - Black Magic were of course responsible for the hugely popular Gloom. Sales information will be released soon. Credits --------- 3D + Game Code : Alex Amsel Additional Code : Mark Fitt Graphics : Richard Whittall Design ; Alex & Rich Productions Ltd (tm) Music : Simon Speight/Mark Fitt/Tony Farrell Special Thanks to Mark Sibly. Come on you Wolves!! Contact me for info on the Wolves FC email list :)